Lois Cook: professional resume

1973 Lismore TAFE College (Secretarial Course)
1978 NAISDA 4yrs (Associate Diploma in Dance)
1979 Institute of Technology Sydney (video operation, editing,
script writing production) 3yrs consecutive workshops.
1993 Lismore Skills Development Centre (Business Management Course).
1994 Lismore Skill Share (Theatre Skills)
1995 Northern Rivers Conservatorium Arts Centre Inc.
(Certificate in Dramatic Art).
2002 Pre-Laws University of NSW Kensington (UNSW).
2002 Arts/Laws UNSW:
Legal systems, torts, cultural identity, Reading performance, political science,
and Environmental Controversy.
2003 UNSW Arts/Laws public law, contract, criminal laws, Australian media, power and comedy
and legal research.
2005 Tourism and hospitality
2006-07 Aboriginal Art and craft Certificate 1, 11 , 111
2013-14 Diploma of Community Development (Tranby College)
Film and Television Credits
Timeless Land : Sigorie Thornton, Chris Haywood, Athol Compton (ABC)
Beneong: Bryan Brown, Athol Compton (ABC)
1915: Chris Haywood etc (ABC)
Young Lions: 1 epesode
Gods of Wheat Street
Babe in the Reeds
Employment History
1978 National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA) (dancer), (Sub-editor of
Aboriginal Islander Message Newspaper) 4 years.
1982 National Aboriginal Secretariat (NAC) Northern Territory (state branch secretary) 2 years.
1984 Bundjalung Tribal Society (trainee administration)
1984 NAC (field officer)
1984 Far North Coast Regional Aboriginal Land Council (FNCRALC) (founding secretary).
1984 Jali Lalc (founding Secretary)
1985 Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council(LALC) (Administrator) 3 years.
1989 Bangara Dance Theatre Australia (administrator, tour manager, performer).
1991 FNCRALC (field officer)
1992 Jali LALC (co-ordinator) 2years.
1996 Goobah Goobah Koori Theatre Company (Managing Director) 7 years. ( Artisic Director
2002 Choreographer, Traditional Dancer, Film Maker, Tour Manager, Co-ordinator .
2004 Artist and Canteen Assistant Bunjum Co-Operative Society
2005 Burabi Aboriginal Corporation Property Manager
2006 Dorroughby Environmental School Cultural Educator
2006 Fox Street Pre-school Cultural Educator
2007 Emanuel College Ballina cultural educator
2007 Ballina Beach Resort Cleaner
2007 Dunoon Public School Cultural educator
2007 Grafton Public School cultural educator
2007 Cape Byron Community School cultural educator
2007 Vice President Bundjalung Elders Council
2008 Dept of Environment and Climate Change - Discovery Tours
2008 Burabi Aboriginal Corporation Bookkeeper, Property manager and consultant
2008 RTA re Pacific Hwy – sites officer
2008 Coorabell Public School cultural educator
2009 Burabi Aboriginal Corporation Property Manager
2010 Cultural guide
National Respite for Carer Program, Ngambaga Bindarry Girrwaa Community
Services Inc 4 Day Tour
NPWS Discovery Tour
St Andrews Care Centre Ballina NSW 2478
Rosebank Public School
Arcadia University Tour/dance W/shop and Cultural Performanc
2011 Gaia Day Spa retreat: Welcome to country Oprah Group
Byron at Byron Women in Focus
2012 Tour Operator:
Ball State University Australia Centre
2014 -2016 To salvage archaeology Aboriginal sites on the Pacific Highway Upgrade between
2015 winner Byron Bay International Film Festival best local film 'babe in the reeds'
Compass and nominated for International Human Rights Australian Media Award